195 Oxford Street North, Auburn, MA 01501
(Rectory: 194 Oxford Street North)
Mission Statement
As individuals and families, our mission as the Parish Community of Saint Joseph is to live fully the call of Jesus Christ, to be the People of God by giving witness to the Gospel, passing on our Catholic tradition, strengthening the spiritual life of parishioners and serving those in need. We are committed to being an active, welcoming, and supportive community, proclaiming Christ’s teaching through word and deed.
Mass Time
Lord’s Day Weekend Masses
All Masses will take place at the church.
Saturday: 4pm
Sunday: 8:30am and 10:30am
Weekday Masses
Monday – Wednesday: 8am
Thursday: 5pm
Friday: 8am
Sacrament of Penance
Saturday 3pm-3:30pm
or by appointment

A letter about Confession from our pastor:
Dear People of Saint Joseph Parish, . . . I am present for confessions each Saturday at 3:00 p.m. I remain in the confessional / reconciliation room until 3:30. Some weeks are very busy; others are very slow. I encourage our parishioners to come to confession … I know that some parishioners do not come to the sacrament at Saint Joseph Church. They like to receive reconciliation with a priest whom they have only little personal contact. They are embarrassed by their own sins and do not want the priest to be a reminder of their sins. Some people come here for confession from other parishes. . . . Simple cards are available on the table in the reconciliation room. Pick one up before you prepare for the sacrament. You may use it during your time in the confessional. Remember to bring the virtue of humility with you. Some people who come to confession act as if they are boasting about their sins. Confession requires a sincere sorrow for sin. Come humbly to Jesus for forgiveness. Be brief with your confession of sin. I do not need to know the details. Some people cannot come to confession on a Saturday afternoon. Others have so many sins that they cannot make a good confession in a short period. Others are nervous and need some calm to engage in the sacrament of Penance. Please call the office and we can arrange for you to come to the rectory for your confession. Be ready to come quickly. Often I can drop what I am doing to hear a confession. I usually like to arrange for confessions in the rectory when no one else is in the house for your privacy. Forgiveness is a wonderful grace. Sincerely, O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you. I detest all my sins because of your just punishments. But most of all because they offend you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace to sin no more, and to avoid the near occasion of sin. Amen. Forgiveness is a Wonderful Grace
From St. Joseph’s Bulletin
March 14, 2021
Fr. Paul BombaExamination of the Conscience
Act of Contrition
Jubilee Year
Local Pilgrimages
Join Bishop McManus on the diocesan
Local Pilgrimage to 10 Diocesan Churches
(see your pastor or parish office for a
“Pilgrimage Passport” booklet) Confessions
will be heard beginning at 3 pm and Evening
Vespers at 4:00 pm at each location.

Contact Information
Rectory and Parish Office
Rev. Paul M. Bomba Bio
Ms. Jean Ashton
Director of Music:
Ms. Judy Freelander
Mr. Paul Zeveska
Want to join the Parish?
Print (landscape) the form above, fill out the form and put it in the collection basket, drop it off in person, or send it to rectory.
Website Administrator: